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Gulf Oil Disaster; Special 2 Hour Broadcast


Special Two Hour Broadcast of The Hillary Raimo Show
The Gulf Oil Disaster
5-7pm EDT NY Time

Join me for a special 2 hour broadcast on the Gulf Oil Disaster. Hear comments, thoughts and theories from all areas of expertise, stories from those involved and who have seen the affects firsthand. Call-in and voice your comments and ask our panel of participants your questions. www.Achieveradio.com

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Link to the archive (available after the show as MP3 Download)

Featuring Special Guests:

Dr. Riki Ott, PhD: a community activist, a former commercial salmon "fisherm'am," and has a degree in marine toxicology with a specialty in oil pollution. She experienced firsthand the devastating effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill—and chose to do something about it. She is the author of Sound Truth and Corporate Myth$: The Legacy of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and Not One Drop: Promises, Betrayal, and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (Chelsea Green, 2008). She is also the founder of three nonprofit organizations that deal with lingering harm from man-made environmental disaster. Dr. Ott will be informing us of first hand observation of a possible cover up by BP. Her recent appearance on a variety of news programs has sparked controversy and interest in underlying agendas in the Gulf.


Peter Taylor: Science Analyst and Policy Advisor to all levels of government, the voluntary sector, international NGOs, the EU and the UN. In 1978 he set up and directed the Political Ecology Research Group in Oxford, pioneering critical environmental review and the service of leading scientists and lawyers in the protection of communities and biodiversity. He was involved in government reviews of ocean pollution and the UN’s system of oversight and protection and participated in the development of the Precautionary Principle and the moves toward clean production technology.

From 2000-2003 he sat on the UK government’s national advisory group for the Community Renewables Initiative and has taken a long-standing interest in the environmental impact of energy-related developments. In addition to his scientific training,

Peter has a Diploma in Social Anthropology from Oxford University and has studied systems of thought, magic, causation and healing among tribal peoples in Africa. He has also trained with North and South American shamans, worked within the Celtic traditions and is a long-term adherent of Himalayan yogic practice, wherein he specialises in breathing and meditation teaching for health professionals.


Gail Swanson author of The Heart of Love : Mary Magdalene Speaks.  As a channel and intuitive healer, Gail will be sharing a special message related to the Gulf. After moving from New Jersey 13 years ago to Sarasota Florida, Gail spent many days and nights on the sands and in the water of the magnificent Gulf of Mexico.

She walked the crystal sands and bathed in the healing Gulf waters. She feels this magical area was the catalyst that opened her to receive a life changing vision.

She was shown of her connection to Mary Magdalene and soon a communication with Mary Magdalene began. She was guided to share these messages to help to bring forth the power of the divine feminine and to help to heal and balance the masculine and feminine energies.

She speaks today to express her love for these waters and it’s inhabitants and to discuss the extreme importance of our spiritual connection to all the waters of the earth. www.theheartoflove.com

Barbara Hand Clow Best Selling author of The Mayan Code, Mayan Elder will be speaking in terms of time resonation with the 102,000 year Regional Underworld of the Mayan Calendar, and how the oil spill began at EXACTLY 9500 BC, the time of the great cataclysm during the end of the Global Maritime civilization, the fall of Atlantis. Therefore, this oil volcano is either the beginning of a great extinction, or is the trigger for the psychic processing of ourselves as a multi-traumatized species. www.handclow2012.com


Dr Ian Prattis Professor Emeritus Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada will be speaking on the topics of The Spin Factor, Consumer Culpability, Spiritual Guidelines and how they relate to the Gulf. A poet and scholar, peace and environmental activist – has trained with Masters in Buddhist, Vedic and Shamanic traditions and gives dharma talks, seminars and retreats around the world.

He is the founder of Friends for Peace – a coalition of meditation, peace and environmental groups that works for peace and planetary care and also the resident teacher of a Buddhist meditation community in Ottawa, Canada – the Pine Gate Sangha. He encourages people to find their true nature, so that humanity and the world may be renewed.

As a Professor of Anthropology and Religion he teaches courses on Ecology, Symbols, Engaged Buddhism and Meditation Systems. The meditation teacher is not separate from the professor or the global citizen. www.ianprattis.com

Barbara Goodfriend: Animal Communicator
Shares a special message from the sea animals of the Gulf of Mexico 
  Animal communication is understanding spoken between species whose hearts and minds are linked through mutual love. It is a thread that weaves interaction in the wild. It brings us deeper levels of compassion and learning in the  domesticated world. It is very tangible and beneficial for both the animal and human involved.

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