Death of the Old Masculine Dark Cycle
Birth of the New Feminine Light Cycle
It ALL Exists Simultaneously Now
Key is the Heart
Saleena: I will begin by sharing that for the most part, the old has lightened enough inside me that most of the time I have been feeling better and better. Younger, lighter, brighter and more positive. When old fear or negativity does rise up, it is usually short lived. I have a wonderful support team that assists in remembering and putting things into perspective.
Since I am a sensitive, I feel EVERYTHING rather intensely. When waves of intense energies move through, sometimes I take it personal, yet eventually, with a little help from my friends, I recognize it is something that isn't the true me and it is moving through and will pass. I have enough skills and assistance now that I can do my inner work and dissapate it one way or another.
Inside I am becoming a new creature, able to hold more light and stay present in higher frequencies. I spend most of my time focusing on, imagining and playing in co-creating a New Reality. I usually live in my own Paradise inside and out. That is my purpose right now, to share this in all my stories, my art, my dreams, my service. And to have FUN! That is what I AM here for. To build bridges so we can all more consciously make this shift and ascend together.
Yet, for the last few days I have wondered if I was really going to make it through this whole process. There has been an underlying swirl of emotions bringing some dreadful feeling up, more of the old stuck stuff is rising to the surface to either cause havoc or transform.
Things have been INTENSE; from the energies to the heat and smoke from fires and everything burning up from lack of water where I am living. It is now severe. It is certainly tempting to lose hope in the midst of this, yet that is what we are being encouraged to overcome. To continue to hold on, keep "Voting" for what we want, look to the light, to the shift, to the changes that some of us have constantly held the intentions for and built bridges for by doing the Lightwork.
Just as I was sinking rather low tonight, I had the idea to check my email before bed… and there was a message from a friend. It was named "…it ALL Ends Well…" The message and art uplifted me. It reminded me of thriving in a kind of New Earth. This is what Mother Mary has been sharing with us… it is time to Thrive, to keep focused on the New…
"Dear Ones, you are doing so well even though you are under a lot of pressure, but do try and relax and enjoy what should be an exciting time…" and "Whatever problems or predicaments you find yourselves in, take it in your stride knowing that before long the answers will come your way…" SaLuSa June 25 2012 Message
Saleena: I have had one ear on the reports coming through many sources about the mass changes about to occur within our old system as it crumbles. This is what SaLuSa is referring to. You can read more at or Kauilapele's Blog which will have many links and references to follow for your own study and discernment. As I have said before, I am soooooo ready for there changes… bring them on!
On the other hand, it is uncanny how clues and answers are sometimes right under your nose. I had sent this link to my sister, intending to watch it later when I got a moment. She sent it back with a big, "WOW! and "I don't know if you listened to all the videos you sent me, but this one seemed especially targeted toward what you were feeling yesterday- let's go find that chamber he speaks of!!!" So I did, I listened to it… and WOW! I am ready for that chamber now! It is something I am going to listen to again and again… Maybe we already have some keys that will help along similar lines….
It was Drunvalo that first inspired me to co-create VK38 Sacred HeartGate and begin to learn to journey into the heart and find the tiny little sacred space and to move into and through it. That was how we began to journey into the Omni-Dimensions and begin our Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventures. So much heals so fast in that space. So much is contained in that heart space. Drunvalo talks about the shift we have to make and how all we need to know is in our hearts and how it is the Feminine that knows how to do it.
It is where we find our true power. That is what Pacal Votan of the Mayans in Palenque shared with me in a visionary experience when I visited his Pyramid Tomb of Inscriptions there. He said that the trouble with us humans is that we look everywhere for our power… he swept his hand around here and out there… and then he asked it I wanted to know where true power is found? I nodded… a bit awed and amazed by his unexpected presence…
Then he pointed to the Sun and caught a handful of it sweeping it and me into my heart, the inside of it… There I saw little curled up things inside that looked like young ferns, all curled up before they open, and as the Sunlight touched them, they uncurled and tiny little codes floated out into the heart …. He laughed and said, "There is where true power lies… there inside your heart!" Now I understand that these are there to be activated at a time when the Sun's power is increasing and it is nearly time for us to all wake up and remember who we truly are. I created VK15 Love's Power to reflect what he shared.
Now, after you listen to the Video below, you might understand how significant that little message of his was….and these Keys.
Drunvalo shares so much… enough said… enjoy…..
Drunvalo Melchizedek:
Crop Circles Code Figured Out
What They are Saying:
Russian Scientists
About Increasing Solar Flares
Pole Shift
Dec 21st is End of Old Masculine Dark Cycle
Dec 22nd Birth of the New Feminine Light Cycle
Mayan Perspective
Cause to Celebrate
We Must Shift Dimensions
Key is the Feminine
It's ALL Inside Us, in our Hearts
We Must Remember
Heart Healing Chamber
Key: Love & Forgiveness